How To Start A Blog — How To Find Content For Your Blog On Your Competitors Sites | TBS #042


Tobias Thomaschk wants to run his own blog and he’s asking how to start a blog and use content marketing when you don’t like writing that much.

Here are two suggestions for a solution:

1) Outsource your articles

You can pay someone else and outsource the articles. Go on sites like and create a job posting to find guest bloggers and content writers for your site. Make sure you pay them between $15-30 per article minimum, because otherwise you’ll probably get poor quality content that harms your brand.

And you have to be okay paying them, because if you don’t want to pay with your time and your effort you’ll have to pay with your money. Plus, be specific in the job posting, tell people what requirements you have and what type of articles you expect. Ask them to send you some samples.

2) Find contributors on your competitors’ sites

Another smart strategy that you can use is to spy on your competitors’ websites and search for their authors and contributors. Usually you’ll find an author box with social media and contact links.

Just reach out to all the authors on your competitors’ authority sites and ask them if they want to write for you in return for exposure.

Then promote the heck out of every article that you get.

And allow your authors to have an author box at the bottom of every article. They will appreciate you for giving them exposure on your website. You’ll be surprised by how many people are willing and happy to write for your site for free.

Attention matters. Sometimes more than money.

I hope this helps. 🙂

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