How To Find Business Partners – Discover How To Overcome Neediness And Attract Friends | TBS #003


There’s moments in life that you need help and that’s fine. Thinking that you can face everything yourself without any help whatsoever is not realistic.

However, there’s a difference between asking for help and being needy. And when it comes to relationships, business, or friends to be needy kills everything.

Neediness kills everything in business and life.

You can ask for help, and you do it by acknowledging that you need it at the moment. Whereas being needy is a state of mind where you consume other people’s energy and is often based on emotional games.

If you are needy you need to stop trying to get something from people. Stop trying to trick them. Instead you have to offer value to the people you want to work with, the people you want to co-operate with, the people you want to have a relationship with.

You need to provide value up-front and actually care about the person.

Be the one offering help first. That’s a much better position to be in. You can always help.

I can tell you that the easiest way to build affiliate partnerships, or recruit joint-venture partners, is to promote their stuff before you even ask them to promote for you.

Offer first. Help them first.

Make them some money first.

The moment you start giving to other people, you will see that they will want to help you also. Eckhart Tolle wrote in his book “New Earth”: Whatever you think the world is withholding from you, you are withholding from the world.

Think abundantly. Stop with that scarcity mindset.

You also have value to offer. You also can help other people in their journey too.

This giving and offering value mindset is one of the key pillars to succeed in life and business.

Believe me. 😀

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