Digital Marketing Jobs — Working In Digital Marketing In A Job Versus Freelancing | TBS #218


Someone recently asked me if I believe digital marketing is a viable career to work remotely for a company. And get all the “benefits” such as a regular income, pension, social security and so forth.

The short answer is: Yes, I believe it’s awesome.

Remote jobs are getting more and more popular and normal. I know tons of people working remotely in all sorts of industries.

However, when it comes to digital marketing I think long-term you’ll be in a better position if you become a freelancer or build a digital marketing service business. It will be harder, but you’ll learn a lot more and thus your value for the market place will increase.

Working in digital marketing in the form of a remote job is the easy way out. It’s the more comfortable path to choose, right?

But in the long-run it will be less rewarding.

I’ve been personally running a digital marketing service business for over two years now. I’ve worked in all sorts of industries including permaculture, Alzheimer’s disease prevention, fitness, hair growth supplements, motorsport, mobile apps, music and many more.

The amount of skills and knowledge I’ve acquired by working in a wide range of industries is priceless. You can’t get that by working for one company, in one industry. Your skills will be very limited.

You’ll learn how to get results in that particular market.

But you’ll lack the skills and experience to apply it to other markets.

Further, by having the comfort of working for a company, you don’t have to use marketing and advertising to make money yourself.

You practice digital marketing as a job, but you don’t use it to promote, market and sell yourself. Without the pressure of having to make your stuff work in order to have a line of prospects and customers wanting to work with you, your skills won’t grow.

The best digital marketers don’t work for companies. They are self-taught financial “survivalists” that know how to make the cash register ring over and over again in order to put food on their own table.

By going the freelancing and entrepreneur’s path instead of choosing the comfort of a remote job, you’ll be able to make a lot more money.

As I said, your value for the market place dramatically increases.

Plus you can work with many clients at the same time, build a team, create an agency. Or you can just charge a lot more since your income is not a wage but it is derived directly from your client’s payments.

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